some extent in others, I told them they
whould meet with misfortune, difficulties,
and hinderances, and sayed, "You will
know it before you leave this place," exhorting
them to humble themselves before the Lord; and
become united, that they might not be scourg-
ed. A very singular circamstance took place
that very night, and the next day, concerning
our teams. On Sunday morning when we
arose, we found almost every horse in camp
so badly foundered that we could scarcely
lead them a few rods to water. The brotherin
then deeply realized the effects of discord. When
I learned the fact, I exclaimed to the brotherin,
that for a witness that God over rulled, and
had his eye upon them, that all thoes
who would humble themselves before the Lord
should know that the hand of God was
in this misfortune, and their horses should
be restored to health amediately; and by
twelve oclock the horses were as kninbles as ever,
with the acception of one of Sylvester Smith's
horses, which soon after died.
~ Sunday
the 18th. We had preaching as usual, and
the sacrement ^was^ administered.
~ Monday
Monday 19th.
We traveled thirty one miles, passed through Vandalia and encamped in Franklin
some extent in others, I told them they
whould meet with misfortune, difficulties,
and hinderances, and sayed, "You will
know it before you leave this place," exhorting
them to humble themselves before the Lord; and
become united, that they might not be scourged. A very singular circamstance took place
that very night, and the next day, concerning
our teams. On Sunday morning when we
arose, we found almost every horse in camp
so badly foundered that we could scarcely
lead them a few rods to water. The brotherin
then deeply realized the effects of discord. When
I learned the fact, I exclaimed to the brotherin,
that for a witness that God over rulled, and
had his eye upon them, that all thoes
who would humble themselves before the Lord
should know that the hand of God was
in this misfortune, and their horses should
be restored to health amediately; and by
twelve oclock the horses were as kninbles as ever,
with the acception of one of Sylvester Smith's
horses, which soon after died.
~ Sunday
the 18th. We had preaching as usual, and
the sacrement was administered.
~ Monday
Monday 19th.
We traveled thirty one miles, passed through
Vandalia and encamped in Franklin
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