Previous to crossing the Mississippi, I had called the camp together and
told them that in consequence of the
disobedience of some, who had been
unwilling to listen to my words, but
had rebelled, God had decreed that
sickness should come upon the camp
and if they did not repent and hum-
ble themselves before God, they should
die like sheep with the rot; that I
was sorry but could not help it; the
scourge must come, repentance and
humility may mitigate the chastisement
but cannot altogether avert it, as there
were some who would not give heed
to my words.
~ Monday
Monday June 23rd. ^For additional see Millennial Star Vol 157.86.^ During this day
a council of High Priests assembled in
fulfilment of the revelation given the
day previous and the following indi-
viduals were called and chosen as
they were made manifest unto me by
the voice of the spirit and revelation
to receive their endowments.
of the Celestial Kingdom and Zion
cannot be built up.
Previous to crossing the Mississippi,
I had called the camp together and
told them that in consequence of the
disobedience of some, who had been
unwilling to listen to my words, but
had rebelled, God had decreed that
sickness should come upon the camp
and if they did not repent and humble themselves before God, they should
die like sheep with the rot; that I
was sorry but could not help it; the
scourge must come, repentance and
humility may mitigate the chastisement
but cannot altogether avert it, as there
were some who would not give heed
to my words.
~ Monday
Monday June 23 During this day
a council of High Priests assembled in
fulfilment of the revelation given the
day previous and the following individuals were called and chosen as
they were made manifest unto me by
the voice of the spirit and revelation
to receive their endowments.