those who held them. The horses fled
before the storm and were not found
for several days. It was reported
that the Captain of the company in
the school house said that it was a
d—d strange thing that they could
do nothing against the d—d Mormons
but what there must be a d—d hail
storm or some other d—d thing to
hinder them from doing anything.
But they did not feel disposed to
acknowledge that God was fighting
our battles."
The storm was tre-
mendous—wind and rain, hail and
thunder met them in great wrath and
soon softened their direful courage and
frustrated all their designs "to kill
Smith and his army." Instead of
continuing firing, which they commenced,
they crowded under wagons, into hol-
low trees, filled one old shanty &c. and
when the storm was over their ammu-
nition was soaked; and the party in
were extremely anxious
in the morning to return to
having experienced the pitiless peltings
of the storm all night. And as soon
as arrangements could be made this
those who held them. The horses fled
before the storm and were not found
for several days. It was reported
that the Captain of the company in
the school house said that it was a
d—d strange thing that they could
do nothing against the d—d Mormons
but what there must be a d—d hail
storm or some other d—d thing to
hinder them from doing anything.
But they did not feel disposed to
acknowledge that God was fighting
our battles."
The storm was tremendous—wind and rain, hail and
thunder met them in great wrath and
soon softened their direful courage and
frustrated all their designs "to kill
Smith and his army." Instead of
continuing firing, which they commenced,
they crowded under wagons, into hollow trees, filled one old shanty &c. and
when the storm was over their ammunition was soaked; and the party in
were extremely anxious
in the morning to return to
having experienced the pitiless peltings
of the storm all night. And as soon
as arrangements could be made this