Discourse 1855-05-10


Discourse 1855-05-10
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    Anthy Lund is alive is apt to grow & morning man is growing, W Woodruff, The lord is dealing with this people began as with little children. At first you could not get a man to go five miles only he first went to bro Joseph, & inquire of if is as the will of the Lord, Not so now, they are called to go to the Nations. Isles of the the Sandwich Isles, & they go without asking bro B to get a revelation ...
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    Whever we do what we are called upon to do anything even if it is not according to our own wishes it is the best thing he can do. Let us make up our minds to d live or die we will do the will of the Lord & carry out the counsels given us & in so doing we are blessed. ...