I looked and beheld in the
East just above the mountains
a beautiful city in the clouds
of heaven the cloud was
perfectly smoothe and of a bright
pink coler and sloped East
from the bottom to the top
so as to give me a plain view
of every house in the city the
houses was all of a beautiful
cream coler but difered in
sise and workmanship each
house had steaples pointing
to the sky and there was lovely
windows boath in the mane
building and the steaples a bove.
And while I looked I called the
attencion of some one that
was near me to this city and and I thaught they said no
it is not a city but a fleete of
Womans Dream
The Dreame
I looked and beheld in the
East just above the mountains
a beautiful city in the clouds
of heaven the cloud was
perfectly smoothe and of a bright
pink coler and sloped East
from the bottom to the top
so as to give me a plain view
of every house in the city the
houses was all of a beautiful
cream coler but difered in
sise and workmanship each
house had steaples pointing
to the sky and there was lovely
windows boath in the mane
building and the steaples a bove.
And while I looked I called the
attencion of some one that
was near me to this city
and I thaught they said no
it is not a city but a fleete of