which I do not remember he
said I am such a mans son
and that he him self had
died some time a go I thought
it was his father that he was
looking for I do not remember
the names I went with him to
the house in which I thought
his father lived but when we
got there we did not see eny
man but there was an old lady
in the house that was very sick
near unto death and the heavenly
messenger told the young ladyes
that was taking care of her that
if they would get a certain
amount of 2 kinds of drugs
and mix them to gether and
give it to her she would
which I do not remember he
said I am such a mans son
and that he him self had
died some time a go I thought
it was his father that he was
looking for I do not remember
the names I went with him to
the house in which I thought
his father lived but when we
got there we did not see eny
man but there was an old lady
in the house that was very sick
near unto death and the heavenly
messenger told the young ladyes
that was taking care of her that
if they would get a certain
amount of 2 kinds of drugs
and mix them to gether and
give it to her she would