and if he will offer unto me
an acceptable offering & acknow-
ledgments & remain with my
people behold! I the Lord your
God will heal him that he shall
be healed & shall lift up his
voice again upon the mounta
ins & be a spokesman before
my face let him come &
locate his family in the
Neighbourhood in which
my servant Joseph resides
and in all his journeyings
let him lift up his voice as
with the sound of a trump and
warn the inhabitants of the Earth
to flee the wrath to come let him [Doctrine and Covenants 124:103-107]
and if he will offer unto me
an acceptable offering & acknowledgments & remain with my
people behold! I the Lord your
God will heal him that he shall
be healed & shall lift up his
voice again upon the mounta
ins & be a spokesman before
my face let him come &
locate his family in the
Neighbourhood in which
my servant Joseph resides
and in all his journeyings
let him lift up his voice as
with the sound of a trump and
warn the inhabitants of the Earth
to flee the wrath to come let him