When the Twelve or any other witnesses
stand before the congregations of the earth
& they preach in the power & demonstration
of the spirit of God & the people are asstonis[h]ed
& confounded at the doctrin & say that
that man has preached a powerful discourse
a great sermon then let that man or
those men take care that they do not ass
cribe the glory unto themselves but be ca-
reful that they are humble & ascribe the
praise & glory to God & the Lamb for
it is by the power of the Holy Priesthood
& Holy Ghost they have power thus to speak:
what art thou O man but dust & pain
wholm dost thou receive thy power & blessings
but from God Then O ye Twelve notice
this [FIGURE] key & be wise for Christ sake & your
own so[u]ls sake
When the Twelve or any other witnesses
stand before the congregations of the earth
& they preach in the power & demonstration
of the spirit of God & the people are asstonished
& confounded at the doctrin & say that
that man has preached a powerful discourse
a great sermon then let that man or
those men take care that they do not ass
cribe the glory unto themselves but be careful that they are humble & ascribe the
praise & glory to God & the Lamb for
it is by the power of the Holy Priesthood
& Holy Ghost they have power thus to speak:
what art thou O man but dust & pain
wholm dost thou receive thy power & blessings
but from God Then O ye Twelve notice
this [FIGURE] key & be wise for Christ sake & your
own souls sake