[Doctrine and Covenants 105:31-34] that it may become fair as the Sun
& clear as the Moon & that her banne
rs may be terrible unto all nations
that the kingdoms of this world may
be constrained to acknowledge
that the kingdom of Zion is in very deed
the kingdom of our God & his Christ
therefore let us become subject
unto her laws. Verily I say unto
you it is expedient in me that the first
Elders in My Church should recieve
their endowment from on high in
my house which I have command
ed to be built unto my name in
the land of Kirtland & let those
commandments which I have given
concerning Zion & her law be execu-
that it may become fair as the Sun
& clear as the Moon & that her banne
rs may be terrible unto all nations
that the kingdoms of this world may
be constrained to acknowledge
that the kingdom of Zion is in very deed
the kingdom of our God & his Christ
therefore let us become subject
unto her laws. Verily I say unto
you it is expedient in me that the first
Elders in My Church should recieve
their endowment from on high in
my house which I have command
ed to be built unto my name in
the land of Kirtland & let those
commandments which I have given
concerning Zion & her law be execu-