Some idea tof my early infor-
mation to be gained from a
novelty presented on our app
roach to Farmington of a
Steeple was anounced by Philo. My curiosity was greatly
excited. A Steeple! I looked
abroad—upon every tree
and under every old log lying
within sight—but in vain.
I accused my brother of
deceiving me—he persisted in
his assertion that he could
see the Steeple declaring
it was "plain as day"
I watched the direction of his
Some ideaof my early information to be gained from a
novelty presented on our app
roach to Farmington of a
Steeple was anounced by
Philo. My curiosity was greatly
excited. A Steeple! I looked
abroad—upon every tree
and under every old log lying
within sight—but in vain.
I accused my brother of
deceiving me—he persisted in
his assertion that he could
see the Steeple declaring
it was "plain as day"
I watched the direction of his