[Doctrine and Covenants 105:5-9] And Zion cannot be built up
unless it is by the principles of the
Law of the Celestial Kingdom, otherwise
I cannot recieve her unto myself
and my people must needs be chastened
untill they become obedient if it
must needs be by the things which
they suffer, I speak not concern-
ing those who are appointed to lead my
people who are the first Elders of my
Church for they are not all under
condemnation but I speak con-
cerning the Church abroad. their are
many who will say whare is their God, behold
He will deliver in times of trouble otherw-
ise we will not go up unto Zion & will
keep our monies. Therefore in consequence
And Zion cannot be built up
unless it is by the principles of the
Law of the Celestial Kingdom, otherwise
I cannot recieve her unto myself
and my people must needs be chastened
untill they become obedient if it
must needs be by the things which
they suffer, I speak not concerning those who are appointed to lead my
people who are the first Elders of my
Church for they are not all under
condemnation but I speak concerning the Church abroad. their are
many who will say whare is their God, behold
He will deliver in times of trouble otherwise we will not go up unto Zion & will
keep our monies. Therefore in consequence