[Doctrine and Covenants 112:19-23] in whatsoever place ye shall proclaim
my name an affectual door shall be
open unto you that they may receive
my word. Whosoever recieveth my word
recieveth me & whosoever recieveth me
recieveth those the first presidency whome
I have sent whome I have made counsellors
for my name sake unto you. and again
I say unto you that whosoever ye shall
send in my name by the voice of your
Brethren the Twelve duly recomme-
nded & authorized by you shall have
power to open the door of my kingdom,
unto any nation whithersoever ye
shall send them inasmuch as they humble
themselves before me and abide in my words
& harken to the voice of my Spirit. Verily
verily I say unto you darkness covereth
in whatsoever place ye shall proclaim
my name an affectual door shall be
open unto you that they may receive
my word. Whosoever recieveth my word
recieveth me & whosoever recieveth me
recieveth those the first presidency whome
I have sent whome I have made counsellors
for my name sake unto you. and again
I say unto you that whosoever ye shall
send in my name by the voice of your
Brethren the Twelve duly recommended & authorized by you shall have
power to open the door of my kingdom,
unto any nation whithersoever ye
shall send them inasmuch as they humble
themselves before me and abide in my words
& harken to the voice of my Spirit. Verily
verily I say unto you darkness covereth