with my servant
whithersoever my servant shall counsel them obta-
ining the fulfillment of these
commandments which I have
given unto you and leave the
residue in mine hands even
so — Amen [Doctrine and Covenants 103:40]
Items of instruction at Conference
It is a wrong spirit to speak evil of the
authorities that God has set in his Church
even the least of them to a deacon, for
all heaven will respect the authority they
have confered upon man on the Earth,
& the spirits manifest in the members shou
ld be subject to the powers that be even
with my servant
whithersoever my servant shall counsel them obtaining the fulfillment of these
commandments which I have
given unto you and leave the
residue in mine hands even
so — Amen
Items of instruction at Conference
It is a wrong spirit to speak evil of the
authorities that God has set in his Church
even the least of them to a deacon, for
all heaven will respect the authority they
have confered upon man on the Earth,
& the spirits manifest in the members shou
ld be subject to the powers that be even