Pushing Miss a little girl
into the brook while the folks
were dressing ]
Was a remarkably quiet
boy. good to tie in bed in
cradle &c. was put to bed
one afternoon up stairs but
stole off to brook to bathe—
was found there by or
and flogged for my imprudence
On the occasion of the Baptism
of several friends in the pond
I crawled out of cradle and
made the best of my way to
the spot.
Pushing Miss Allen a little girl
into the brook while the folks
were dressing Shack
Was a remarkably quiet
boy. good to tie in bed in
cradle &c. was just to bed
one afternoon up stairs but
stole off to brook to bathe—
was found there by or
and flogged for my imprudence
On the occasion of the Baptism
of several friends in the pond
I crawled out of cradle and
made the best of my way to
the spot.