Letter from Peter L. Peterson, 3 February 1896


Letter from Peter L. Peterson, 3 February 1896
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    Lynne Ogden City Feb. 3rd, 1896 President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother. Your Letter dated January 21st 1896 has duly been received on the 22nd informing me that my Name has been suggested and accepted as a Missionary to Scandinavia. And that You would be Pleased to have me start from Salt Lake City on February 29th 1896. I whis to beg axcuse me for not answer earliyer, the reason is that I did not Know if I could get the means to take my to ...
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    As to my feeling whit regard to this call I wel say that I feel it a great Honer and alsa a great Responsebultety to be called as a Servent of God to fell this Mission, and I wil try to the best of my abelaty to Honer God and his Preisthood and my calling to Preach the Gosple of Salvation to the Faar the Humble and the Hanest in Hearth. I wel now make arrangement to be in the Historian's Office on the 28th of this Month to be set ...
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    Peter L. Peterson Feb. 3 [18]96