Dear Brother: It was with great pleasure that we read your communication
of April 11th. We have much joy in the progress of the work of the Lord in the
lands where you have charge; and we believe that the publication of the Book of
Mormon in the native tongue will have a highly beneficial effect among the natives.
Yiour course in reporting to them your receipts and expenditures will also greatly
add to the good feeling of the Saints. The Maoris have evidently had their confi-
dence shaken by the methods of sectarian missionaries in financial matters. We
msust do our utmost to build up confidence in their hearts towards us, that they
may not only know that the Lord has revealed His gospel in these last days and
made us its ministers, but also that is fruits are manifested in our lives, and
that we have learned that all men are the sons of God and should be treated as
brethren in all the relationships of life.
We are pleased also to discover that you are establishing sunday scholols
Dear Brother: It was with great pleasure that we read your communication
of April 11th. We have much joy in the progress of the work of the Lord in the
lands where you have charge; and we believe that the publication of the Book of
Mormon in the native tongue will have a highly beneficial effect among the natives.
Your course in reporting to them your receipts and expenditures will also greatly
add to the good feeling of the Saints. The Maoris have evidently had their confidence shaken by the methods of sectarian missionaries in financial matters. We
must do our utmost to build up confidence in their hearts towards us, that they
may not only know that the Lord has revealed His gospel in these last days and
made us its ministers, but also that is fruits are manifested in our lives, and
that we have learned that all men are the sons of God and should be treated as
brethren in all the relationships of life.
We are pleased also to discover that you are establishing sunday schools
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