2. A wrounght iron peterara time of Edward IV 1461
3. part of an iron gun which [w]as a chamber to a gun
4. A 36 pounder brass cannon 13 feet long time of Henry
VII AD 1456.
5. A 12 pounder brass cannon 13 feet 4 inches long
of the Emperor Charles V AD 1509
6. A 68 pounder brass cannon weighing upwards
of 5 tons said to have been used on the lower
deck of the ship of war called the Great Harra
it bears date AD 1542.
7. A 1 1/2 pounder flat gun of brass with 3 bores
time of Henry VIII having receptacles for chamb
ers from which the charge was fired.
8. An octagon shaped 4 pounder brass connon tim[e]
of Henry VIII.
9. A brass cannon having 7 bores time of Henry VIII
10. A 20 pounder brass cannon time of Edward VI 1548
11. A 2 pounder brass cannon (Dutch) time
of Elizabeth AD 1581
12. A 3 pounder brass chamber gun time of Elizabeth
13. 7 1/2 inch brass mortar time of James I 1610
Also a variety of old shot and a wrought Iron
carcase now obsolute
14. A highly ornamented English cannon made for Henry Prince of Wales son of James I 1608
15. A handsome 22 pounder English brass cannon
made for Charles Prince of Wales 1621
16: A brass ornamented 5 pounder cannon times
of Charles II AD 1676
17. A 5 pounder brass gun, with 3 bores, taken at Cherbourg AD 1758 the battle of Ramilies tim[e] AD [1706]
18. A 27 pounder brass cannon much ornamented
taken at Cherbourg AD 17658
19. A brass light 24 pounder gun time of George II 1748
20 A 42 pounder fine brass cannon 15 feet long
brought from Java, AD. 1811 [FIGURE]
21. An Iron 32 pounder upon its original carriage
22. [FIGURE] A Brass 24 pounder recoverd in the year 1834
from the wreck of the Royal George. [FIGURE] by
the ingenious diving apparatus employed by Mr C. A. Deane, having lain under water 52 years.
([FIGURE] His Majesty's ship Royal George while lying on
the keel at spithead on the 29th Aug 1782 and
preparing for sea heaving on board a great numb
er of visitors, as well as a full crew, was thrown
2. A wrought iron peterara time of Edward IV. 1461
3. part of an iron gun which was a chamber to a gun
4. A 36 pounder brass cannon 13 feet long time of Henry
- VII. AD 1456.
5. A 12 pounder brass cannon 13 feet 4 inches long
of the Emperor Charles V. AD 1509
6. A 68 pounder brass cannon weighing upwards
of 5 tons said to have been used on the lower
deck of the ship of war called the Great Harra
it bears date AD 1542.
7. A 1 1/2 pounder flat gun of brass with 3 bores
time of Henry VIII having receptacles for chamb
ers from which the charge was fired.
8. An octagon shaped 4 pounder brass connon time
of Henry VIII.
9. A brass cannon having 7 bores time of Henry VIII
10. A 20 pounder brass cannon time of Edward VI. 1548
11. A 2 pounder brass cannon (Dutch) time
of Elizabeth AD 1581
12. A 3 pounder brass chamber gun time of Elizabeth
13. 7 1/2 inch brass mortar time of James I. 1610
Also a variety of old shot and a wrought Iron
carcase now obsolute
14. A highly ornamented English cannon made for
Henry Prince of Wales son of James I. 1608
15. A handsome 22 pounder English brass cannon
made for Charles Prince of Wales 1621
16: A brass ornamented 5 pounder cannon times
of Charles II. AD 1676
17. A 5 pounder brass gun, with 3 bores, taken at
the battle of Ramilies time AD 1706
18. A 27 pounder brass cannon much ornamented
taken at Cherbourg AD 1758
19. A brass light 24 pounder gun time of George II. 1748
20 A 42 pounder fine brass cannon 15 feet long
brought from Java, AD. 1811 [FIGURE]
21. An Iron 32 pounder upon its original carriage
22. [FIGURE] A Brass 24 pounder recovered in the year 1834
from the wreck of the Royal George. [FIGURE] by
the ingenious diving apparatus employed by Mr
C. A. Deane, having lain under water 52 years.
([FIGURE] His Majesty's ship Royal George while lying on
the keel at spithead on the 29th Aug 1782 and
preparing for sea heaving on board a great numb
er of visitors, as well as a full crew, was thrown
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"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," December 12, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 10, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/N0K