the acceptable year of the Lord, when he is
about to deluge the world in fire! This tremen-
dious event is passed over by the pulpit as
a doomsday work of Almighty God, when it is
to be pre millennial and probably consummated
on the present generation.
A deluge of water once depopulated the world
for crime; a similar scourge, by a different elem-
ent, has a similar mission to perform & for a like
cause. The measure of human crime is coming
to the full, and the arm of Omnipotence lifted
to "shake terribly the earth" [Isaiah 2:19] and the watch
quarrelling about creeds, territory or gold.
The present Christian dispensation is about to
close like the Jewish—the heavens about to
[be] rolled together like a scroll [Isaiah 34:4] [Revelation 6:14]; the star in that
heaven about to be thrown from their
orbits [Mark 13:25], in wild consternations, and the indications
overlooked; prophetic allusions to the
terrible wreck, mistaken, misapplyied or applyed
to the wreck of Nature; an event without
foundation in holy writ. These things are
true. They are not the freaks of a heated
imagination; but predicated upon a long
candid, cool, unbiassed investigation of
the living oracles; and on the premises we
throw the gontlet to all the clergy, learned
or unlearned on earth!
a layman
the acceptable year of the Lord, when he is
about to deluge the world in fire! This tremendious event is passed over by the pulpit as
a doomsday work of Almighty God, when it is
to be pre millennial and probably consummated
on the present generation.
A deluge of water once depopulated the world
for crime; a similar scourge, by a different element, has a similar mission to perform & for a like
cause. The measure of human crime is coming
to the full, and the arm of Omnipotence lifted
to "shake terribly the earth" and the watch
quarrelling about creeds, territory or gold.
The present Christian dispensation is about to
close like the Jewish—the heavens about to
be rolled together like a scroll; the star in that
heaven about to be thrown from their
orbits, in wild consternation and the indications
overlooked; prophetic allusions to the
terrible wreck, mistaken, misapplied or applyed
to the wreck of Nature; an event without
foundation in holy writ. These things are
true.— They are not the freaks of a heated
imagination; but predicated upon a long
candid, cool, unbiassed investigation of
the living oracles; and on the premises we
throw the gontlet to all the clergy, learned
or unlearned on earth!
S. M. M'CORKLE a layman