the earth. In fine evry year from this day
henceforth will be attended, with an increase
of strange things sights, signs, & wonders
perplexities, tribulations, Judgments, wars
& rumours of wars, Revolutions & changes
overturns & Destructions, attended with
blood, fire & smoke the sun turning to dar-
kness the Moon into Blood & the stars falli-
ng from heaven, untill Babylon the great
comes in rememberance before God, & is
cast down to rise no more, & the Son of
Man Desends in the clouds of Heaven to
Deliver Israel & reign with his SAINTS
the earth. In fine evry year from this day
henceforth will be attended with an increase
of strange things sights, signs, & wonders
perplexities, tribulations, Judgments, wars
& rumours of wars, Revolutions & changes
overturns & Destructions, attended with
blood, fire & smoke the sun turning to darkness the Moon into Blood & the stars falling from heaven, Untill Babylon the great
comes in rememberance before God, & is
cast down to rise no more, & the Son of
Man Desends in the clouds of Heaven to
Deliver Israel & reign with his SAINTS
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," January 1, 1841, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 9, 2025,