We walked from this Mews to the National gallery
& after visiting all the paintings we returned
home, somwhat weary after a long walk in a rainy
day in London distance of the day 10 miles
The state coachman informed me that her Majes[ty]
would be quite familiar & even sociable in
many respects, with some of her subjects but
was kept distant by her Ministry 10 m[iles]
~ Wednesday
Dec 9th We had a long pleasant days walk this
day Elders YoungKimball & myself started from
No 40 Ironmonger Row St Lukes London in the
morning & walked to St Pauls Church & not withs-
tanding I had been over most parts of it before
yet on this occasion we went together through evry
part we first visited the body of the cathdral
see Aug 24th I gave a description of this
cathedral, but in some respects it was incorrect
being wrongly informed upon the subject. I
make A few extracts from A printed descrip-
tion of the church, which I purchased while
passing through.
[FIGURE]St. Peter's at Rome
was 145 years in building under twelve s
successive architects. But this building
was completed in forty years under the superin-
tendance of one architect, Sir Christopher Wren
under the direction of one principal mason, Mr Strong &c.
The whole expens of erect-
ing this edifice amounted £1,564,874 14 ^S^ 6 ^[P]^
in addition to which the stone and iron encloursure
(which was cast at Lamberhurst, Kent) which
surrounds the building, cost £11,202 0 ^s^ 6 ^p^
total £1,576,076 15s about $5,880,380 ^5[,]486,361^
This sum was raised by a small tax on coal
imported into London.
In the South west transept
is a noble staircase, by which the ascent is made to
the top. The number of steps, from the floor to
the whispering Gallery is 280; including those
to the golden gallery, 534; & to the ball, the whole
number is 616.
A communication from this staircase
leads the visitor, first to the Library, whare many
most rare & valuable works are preserved.
We walked from this Mews to the National gallery
& after visiting all the paintings we returned
home, somwhat weary after a long walk in a rainy
day in London distance of the day 10 miles
The state coachman informed me that her Majesty
would be quite familiar & even sociable in
many respects, with some of her subjects but
was kept distant by her Ministry 10 m
~ Wednesday
Dec 9th We had a long pleasant days walk this
day Elders YoungKimball & myself started from
No 40 Ironmonger Row St Lukes London in the
morning & walked to St Pauls Church & not withstanding I had been over most parts of it before
yet on this occasion we went together through evry
part. We first visited the body of the cathdral
see Aug 24th I gave a description of this
cathedral, but in some respects it was incorrect
being wrongly informed upon the subject. I
make A few extracts from A printed description of the church, which I purchased while
passing through. [FIGURE] St. Peter's at Rome
was 145 years in building under twelve
successive architects. But this building
was completed in forty years under the superintendance of one architect, Sir Christopher Wren
under the direction of one principal mason, Mr
Strong &c. The whole expens of erecting this edifice amounted £1,564,874 14 S 6 P
in addition to which the stone and iron enclosure
(which was cast at Lamberhurst, Kent) which
surrounds the building, cost £11,202 0 s 6 p
total £1,576,076 15s about $5,880,380 5, 486,361
This sum was raised by a small tax on coal
imported into London.
In the South west transept
is a noble staircase, by which the ascent is made to
the top. The number of steps, from the floor to
the whispering Gallery is 280; including those
to the golden gallery, 534; & to the ball, the whole
number is 616.
A communication from this staircase
leads the visitor, first to the Library, whare many
most rare & valuable works are preserved.
"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," December 8, 1840 - December 9, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 11, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/B6n