Er rep[resented] the Church at
Cumberland con[sistin]g of 40 M. 2 E[lders] 2 p. 2 T.
Er rep[resented] the Church at
consisting of 30 M. 1 E. 1 p.
Also the Church at consi[sting] of 40 M 1 E. 1 P.
Also the Church in
consisting of 21 M. 3 E.
The meeting was then adjourned for 1 hour
The conference then assembled at 1/2 past
1 o clock & business continued
Er rep[resented] the Church at
cons[isting] of 6 M. 1 T.
Elder W Richards having previously
been ordained into the Quorum of the
Twelve according to previous Revelation
it was Moved by Er & seconded by
Er that Elder
be appointed as Councillor to Er Fielding
in the place of Elder Richards car[rie]d unan[imous]ly
Mooved by Elder Fielding & secd by Er Young
that a Hymn Book Shall be published carried
Mooved & secd that the publishing of the Hymn Book
shall be done by the Direction of the Twelve carried
Mooved & secd that a Monthly shall
Er rep. the Church at
Cumberland consisting of 40 M. 2 E 2 P. 2 T.
Er Wd rep. the Church at
consisting of 30 M. 1 E. 1 P.
Also the Church at consisting of 40 M 1 E. 1 P.
Also the Church in
consisting of 21 M. 3 E.
The meeting was then adjourned for 1 hour
The Conference then assembled at 1/2 past
1 o clock & business continued
Er rep. the Church at Layland
cons. of 6 M. 1 T.
Elder W Richards having previously
been ordained into the Quorum of the
Twelve according to previous Revelation
it was Moved by Er & Seconded by
Er that Elder
be appointed as Councillor to Er Fielding
in the place of Elder Richards carried unan.
Mooved by Elder Fielding & Secd by Er Young
that a Hymn Book Shall be published Carried
Mooved & Secd that the publishing of the Hymn Book
shall be done by the Direction of the Twelve Carried
Mooved & Secd that a Monthly periodical shall