long in as they are a slow, easy-going people.
First a permit would be nessesary to go to
to locate land and to make the nessesary surveys.
Then we would have to return to to
finish negotiations which would take some time
because in obtaining land and title it would be
nessesary to have our rights and privileges as
a religious body properly defined.
Should an effort on our part to build up the
land of Israel at this time be right before the Lord
and His servants, I would suggest that the Brethern
appointed to locate lands and to negotiate for
their purchase make it a point to be there about
March or April, because the heat is oppressive in
summer and the country almost impassable in
the rainy season in the winter. Some time would
also be necessary to obtain the nessesary papers from
the Sultan & Sorte to travel and locate lands, for
this reason time should be alowed from home
in order to prevent rushing.
For the good of the work of the Lord in the
Orient, I would respectfully ask your early
consideration regarding this matter, as I
do not see how we can do much there
until we do something permanantly
for the redemption of the Land of Israel and
thus come into closer communication
long in as they are a slow, easy-going people.
First a permit would be nessesary to go to
to locate land and to make the nessesary surveys.
Then we would have to return to to
finish negotations which would take some time
because in obtaining land and title it would be
nessesary to have our rights and privileges as
a religious body properly defined.
Should an effort on our part to build up the
land of Israel at this time be right before the Lord
andHis servants, I would suggest that the Brethern
appointed to locate lands and to negotiate for
their purchase make it a point to be there about
March or April, because the heat is oppressive in
summer and the country almost impassable in
the rainy season in the winter. Some time would
also be necessary to obtain the nessesary papers from
the Sultan & Sorte to travel and locate lands, for
this reason time should be alowed from home
in order to prevent rushing.
For the good of the work of the Lord in the
Orient, I would respectfully ask your early
consideration regarding this matter, as I
do not see how we can do much there
until we do something permanantly
for the redemption of the Land of Israel and
thus come into closer communnication