work, and anticipate good results from their
earnest efforts. We have also two European districts
on the , one of which I have recently
visited, and the prospects there are very good.
In view of these facts, I have just called the Mission
Clerk, Elder , to make a few months tour
of the colonies, visiting all the Europan districts,
and assisting & encouraging the Elders laboring in
the above mentioned fields.
Adjacent to are the , ,
and Islands, on all of which are large
numbers of natives, whose language is very similar
to the Maori. The latter two groups are under the
New Zealand government, and I am very anxious
to get the work started there.
If it is possible for you to send a few Elders
who have a knowledge of Maori, I can use them
advantageously, in connetion with Native elders,
in opening up these new fields.
I recently received from you a number of pamphlets,
"Succession" by , for which accept our thanks.
These have been distributed amongst the Elders.
Elders Stevenson, , and others, who
left , May 3rd, arrived safely, and have
been assigned to their fields of labor.