10 Sunday Met at 10 oclok Jacob Hamblin prayed I felt
much Better to day. All the reports of Kanab stake were
read this morning By Bishop Johnson. All the Authorities
of the Church were then presented to the confer[enc]e and sustained
as were the Local Authorities. W Woodruff then spoke
one hour and 310 Minuts Henry Eyring spoke 30 Minuts
we spent the night at Br Buntings
~ Monday
11 we left Kanab at 8:30 and returned to Winsor Castle
and took dinner then drove to Cedar ridge and camped
for the night in the cedars lay on the ground 35 Miles
~ Tuesday
12 We arose at 5 oclok took breakfast and started at
6 oclok drove till 11, feed team took diner and drove
down Harricane Mountain and on to St George arived
at 8 oclok. The Mules walked 45 Miles today 45 Miles
March 9, 1878
Bishop Sextus E Johnson of Johnson ward, Bishop
B H M Johnson of Mount Carmel ward, Bishop James
Leathhead of Glendale, Bishop Chamberlain of Orderville
All made a report of their wards. Orderville had 124
scholars in their day school & 200 in their sunday school
Bishop Wm Johnson made a report of Kanab, W Woodruff
spoke 30 Minutes got Telegram from St George. Afternoon
Samuel Mulliner Prayed, Bishop Smith Reported
the Branch at Panea & M. F. Farnsworth spoke 20 Minutes,
James A Little 10 Minuts, Br Bunting spoke 10 Minutes. I suffered
vary much with pain through my head and Brain as
soon as Meeting was out I went to my room and was administered to and the suffering left me at 8 oclok
I had considerable Rest through the night
~ Sunday
10 Sunday Met at 10 oclok Jacob Hamblin prayed I felt
much Better to day. All the Reports of Kanab Stake were
read this morning By Bishop Johnson. All the Authorities
of the Church were then presented to the conference and sustained
as were the Local Authorities. W Woodruff then spoke
one hour and10 Minuts Henry Eyring spoke 30 Minuts
we spent the night at Br Buntings
~ Monday
11 we left Kanab at 8.30 and returned to Winsor Castle
and took dinner then drove to Cedar ridge and camped
for the night in the cedars lay on the ground 35 Miles
~ Tuesday
12 We arose at 5 oclok took breakfast and started at
6 oclok drove till 11, feed team took diner and drove
down Harricane Mountain and on to St George arived
at 8 oclok The Mules walked 45 Miles today 45 Miles
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"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," March 9, 1878 - March 12, 1878, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/l5Eg