Jan 1st 1873
I spent this new years day in Randolph Rich co
with my family located there I had been laying two
floors I finished them to day & made & hung a door
at Noon & went up & took my New Years dinner
with Wilford & his family A party was held at the
School House in the Evening. I staid at home Sarah
was vary poorly through the night
~ Thursday
2nd A cold Blustering day I spent the day in the House
~ Friday
3. I spent the forenoon going to Bear river to get Haw-
thorn to shew a sled in the Afternoon & Evening at John Arrow Smith's it was one of the 7 M[iles]
worst storms & Blows in the Afternoon & Evening
Even in these Mountains it was vary severe on
the Horn stock Many of them walked around
the House all night & tried to get into the House at
the doors
~ Saturday
4. Saturday I was unwell & Newton was
quite sick I spent the day at home
~ Sunday
5 Sunday A plesant Morning I Attended
Meeting & Preached from the 15 ch of St John on
the parable of the vine I spoke also in the Evening
~ Monday
56 DavidWilford & myself went a hunting & killed
2 sage Hens. I took supper at Brother Howards
~ Tuesday
7. Wilford & Myself went out with our sleigh in
the sage plains we killed 2 sage Hens
~ Wednesday
8 David & I went out Hunting sage Hens we killed
8 & wounded several we did not get
~ Thursday
9. I spent the day at home choreing Split post timber
~ Wednesday
Jan 1st 1873
I spent this new years day in Randolph Rich Co
with my family located there I had been laying two
floors I finished them to day & made & hung a door
at Noon & went up & took my New Years dinner
with Wilford & his family A party was held at the
School House in the Evening. I staid at home Sarah
was vary poorly through the night
~ Thursday
2nd A cold Blustering day I spent the day in the House
~ Friday
3. I spent the forenoon going to Bear river to get Hawthorn to shew a sled in the Afternoon & Evening at
John Arrow Smith's it was one of the 7 Miles
worst storms & Blows in the Afternoon & Evening
Even in these Mountains it was vary severe on
the Horn stock Many of them walked around
the House all night & tried to get into the House at
the doors
~ Saturday
4. Saturday I was unwell & Newton was
quite sick I spent the day at home
~ Sunday
5 Sunday A Plesant Morning I Attended
Meeting & Preached from the 15 ch of St John on
the parable of the vine. I spoke also in the Evening
~ Monday
6 DavidWilford & myself went a hunting & killed
2 sage Hens. I took supper at Brother Howards
~ Tuesday
7. Wilford & Myself went out with our sleigh in
the sage plains we killed 2 sage Hens
~ Wednesday
8 David & I went out Hunting sage Hens we killed
8 & wounded several we did not get
~ Thursday
9. I spent the day at home choreing. Split post timber
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," January 1, 1873 - January 9, 1873, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 24, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/zK72