the latest news. The Editor Paid $45 dollars
for the steem boat to bring him down to the ship
to get the news we have been 29 days from Liver-
pool to our casting Anchor this morning, we raised
our Anchor in the afternoon & went in with the
tide on to the quarentene ground & again droped
our anchor the physician came on board searched
the passengers & found them well, But we shall
be quarrenteened untill tomorrow now is the time
we need much patience & long suffering in bearing
one with another in taking out our baggage going
through the Custom House & getting settled in New York. the Captain went on shore at night
~ Thursday
20th Warm plesent weather we commenced early
in the morning getting our baggage on deck
passengers went to washing & cleaning up it was
a vary busy time, their was a fight between
the carpenter & second mate which was ended
by the first mate who brused the carpenters
Head badly by striking him with a junk bottle.
Two quarentene lighters came along side of the
Rochester & took off all the passengers & baggage &
took us all to the Custom House here we had to
unload all the baggage which were examined by
the Custom House officer & out of 300 passengers
we were not charged duty for the first article. We
had to load evry thing again on board of the lighters
who took us to New York City, & when we arived
at the docks we found them coverd with horses
& drays & about 50 drayman who stood ready to
leap on board & devour all our baggage & bcause
we were not willing to have our things stolen
from us & be defrauded out of our rights
but felt disposed to do our own busines without
being forced to measures by carman, they cursed
& swore at a dreadful rate & appeared more like
cannibals than civilized men, but after much
trouble & difficulty we got our goods out of the
lighters & loaded them on to drays & constantly
had to keep a guard over them to keep them from
being stolen we were untill 10 oclock at night gett
ing of[f] the docks to an Inn, whare we spent the
the latest news. The Editor Paid $45 dollars
for the steem boat to bring him down to the ship
to get the news we have been 29 days from Liverpool to our casting anchor this morning, we raised
our anchor in the afternoon & went in with the
tide on to the quarentene ground & again droped
our anchor the physician came on board searched
the passengers & found them well, But we shall
be quarrenteened untill tomorrow now is the time
we need much patience & long suffering in bearing
one with another in taking out our baggage going
through the Custom House & getting settled in
New York. the Captain went on shore at night
~ Thursday
20th Warm plesent weather we commenced early
in the morning getting our baggage on deck
passengers went to washing & cleaning up it was
a vary busy time, their was a fight between
the carpenter & second mate which was ended
by the first mate who brused the carpenters
Head badly by striking him with a junk bottle.
Two quarentene lighters came along side of the
Rochester & took off all the passengers & baggage &
took us all to the Custom House here we had to
unload all the baggage which were examined by
the Custom House officer & out of 300 passengers
we were not charged duty for the first article. We
had to load evry thing again on board of the lighters
who took us to New York City, & when we arived
at the docks we found them coverd with horses
& drays & about 50 drayman who stood ready to
leap on board & devour all our baggage & bcause
we were not willing to have our things stolen
from us & be defrauded out of our rights
but felt disposed to do our own busines without
being forced to measures by carman, they cursed
& swore at a dreadful rate & appeared more like
cannibals than civilized men, but after much
trouble & difficulty we got our goods out of the
lighters & loaded them on to drays & constantly
had to keep a guard over them to keep them from
being stolen we were untill 10 oclock at night gett
ing off the docks to an Inn, whare we spent the
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," May 19, 1841 - May 20, 1841, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025,