27th Monday left manaitau Island at 7 oclock
to try again to Go to Chicago the wind soon
arose & we had a rough sea we stoped at Millwaukie & left about 75 passengers & much
baggage upon sa small sloop toating upon the
waves in an dredful manner no boat had been to
them for three days ie the hand on the boat
whether the passengers ever got to shore I know
~ Tuesday
^28th^ we passed by Rhacene & arived in Chicago at 1 oclock & truly rejoiced to get on
shore we put up for the night at the Illinois exchange by J. Brown, recommend friends there
their was 50 teems in with wheat. we saw two
families from England got two teams to carry
them to Stephenson on the Miss[issippi] River the
whole distance we came from Buffalo to Chicago is 1047 miles
~ Wednesday
289th I hired Mr J. B Collins of Princes Grove
Illinois to carry me & Sister Nelso & my family & 800 lbs of baggage to Nauvoo
for $21.00 or $2 dollars per cwt Mr Sidney Roberts
engaged a man to carry him at the same rate
we loaded our baggage & left Chicago at 10 oclock
had a vary bad road first 12 miles rode 27 miles &
spent the night at Mr Gates Inn 27 m[iles]
27th Monday left manitau Island at 7 oclock
to try again to go to Chicago the wind soon
arose & we had a rough sea we stoped at
Millwaukie & left about 75 passengers & much
baggage upon a small sloop toating upon the
waves in a dredful manner no boat had been to
them for three days ie the hand on the boat
whether the passengers ever got to shore I know
~ Tuesday
28th we passed by Rhacene & arived in
Chicago at 1 oclock & truly rejoiced to get on
shore we put up for the night at the Illinoisexchange by J. Brown, recommend friends there
their was 50 teems in with wheat, we saw two
families from England got two teams to carry
them to Stephenson on the Miss: River the
whole distance we came from Buffalo to Chicago is
1047 miles
~ Wednesday
29th I hired Mr J. B Collins of Princes Grove
Illinois to carry me & sister
Nelso & my family & 800 lbs of baggage to Nauvoo
for $21.00 or $2 dollars per cwt Mr Sidney Roberts
engaged a man to carry him at the same rate
we loaded our baggage & left Chicago at 10 oclock
had a vary bad road first 12 miles rode 27 miles &
spent the night at Mr Gates = Inn. 27 m
Oct 1st we crossed the sammonook river Indian
creek passed by Paupau grove a 12 mile prairie
in Ogle County spent the night at Roth's Inn
distance of the day = Greenfield 38 mile
fom Chicago we passed the Desplain River
Brush Hill, east branch of the Dupage, west branch
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"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," September 27, 1841 - October 1, 1841, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/zJ8