April 30 Spent part of the day in the office
& drew home three loads of wood & ploughed
part of my Garden which took me untill in the
night I got exeeding warm & my Blood heat which
gave me excessive head acke
~ Sunday
May 1st Sunday I wrote some in my accounts
Books & Journal
[Joseph Smith Papers Document] The whole Nauvoo Legion met on parade
this day consisting 23 companies & they
truly made a splended appearance the
whole Legion that were on parade were
not much less than two thousand, &
mostly well dressed in uniform Gen. Joseph
Smith prepared a splendid dinner for
the whole staff intire with their Ladies
A Steem boat Landed under the salute
of their music at noon near Gen Smiths
& landed about 40 Saints mostly from Herefordshire England
~ Saturday
April 30 Spent part of the day in the office
& drew home three loads of wood & ploughed
part of my garden which took me untill in the
night I got exceding warm & my blood heat which
gave me excessive head ake
~ Sunday
May 1st Sunday I wrote some in my accounts
books & Journal
[FIGURE] I wrote two letters one to Ezra Carter Jr
& one to Ilus F. Carter
5th Met on parade in the morning in the officer
drill of the Nauvoo Legion spent part of the
day in the office
~ Friday
6th Met again on parade answered to my
name & was dissmised planted corn on
the Kimball Block & spent part of the day
in the office
~ Saturday
May 7th 1842
The whole Nauvoo Legion met on parade
this day consisting 23 companies & they
truly made a splended appearance the
whole Legion that were on parade were
not much less than two thousand, &
mostly well dressed in uniform Gen. Joseph
Smith prepared a splendid dinner for
the whole staff intire with their Ladies
A steem boat Landed under the salute
of their music at noon near Gen Smiths
& landed about 40 Saints mostly from
Herefordshire England
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," April 30, 1842 - May 7, 1842, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/9yD