gallant sail about 100 feet from the upper deck
which was the top of the rope ladders I could go no
higher without climing a single bear rope so I retu-
rned to the deck I found it required some presens
of mind & caution to go up & down the riging of a ship
as she was waving in the air we had a calm night
~ Tuesday
11th A strong west head wind but warm we sail
9 not an hour to the North we passed a full rigged
ship standing the same way that we were we
have sailed by evry ship that we have come in sight
of since we left Liverpool
~ Wednesday
12th Still head wind fair weather but cool we
passed by a ship this morning Ho!!! Ho!!! Capt Woodhouse proclaims tland in sight over our
windward stern in the North West which prooved
to be Cape Sables of Novascosia Coast of Halifax
we soon saw it with the Naked eye this is 21 days
~ Thursday
13th A perfect dead calm sea smooth, still
cloudy, we had head wind in the evening
~ Friday
14th A calm we are perfectly still I commen-
ced reading the History of England by the Rev John Adams AM 1803. We are in Lat 41 Long 67
from Greenwich & 7 from N. Y being 365 miles
from N Y
~ Saturday
15th A plesent morning A light breeze from
the S. W. sea perfectly smooth we sail
4 not an hour we saw a school of Mackerel
I walked the deck in a calm serene evening &
had some plesent meditations concerning the
past, present, & future
~ Sunday
16th Sunday A light west Breeze sail 4 not an
hour we saw a top sail schooner to the east of us
probably going to Boston we sounded & found
bottom in about 20 fathoms on Nantucket sound-
ings sail 8 not in the evening
gallant sail about 100 feet from the upper deck
which was the top of the rope ladders I could go no
higher without climing a single bear rope so I returned to the deck I found it required some presens
of mind & caution to go up & down the riging of a ship
as she was waving in the air we had a calm night
~ Tuesday
11th A strong west head wind but warm we sail
9 not an hour to the North we passed a full rigged
ship standing the same way that we were we
have sailed by evry ship that we have come in sight
of since we left Liverpool
~ Wednesday
12th Still head wind fair weather but cool we
passed by a ship this morning Ho!!! Ho!!! Capt
Woodhouse proclaims land in sight over our
windward stern in the North West which prooved
to be Cape Sables of Novascosia Coast of Halifax
we soon saw it with the naked eye this is 21 days
~ Thursday
13th A perfect dead calm sea smooth, still
cloudy, we had head wind in the evening
~ Friday
14th A calm we are perfectly still I commenced reading the History of England by the Rev
John Adams AM 1803. We are in Lat 41 Long 67
from Greenwich & 7 from N.Y being 365 miles
from NY
~ Saturday
15th A plesent morning A light breeze from
the S.W. sea perfectly smooth we sail
4 not an hour we saw a school of Mackerel
I walked the deck in a calm serene evening &
had some plesent meditations concerning the
past, present, & future
~ Sunday
16th Sunday A light west Breeze sail 4 not an
hour we saw a topsail schooner to the east of us
probably going to Boston we sounded & found
bottom in about 20 fathoms on Nantucket soundings sail 8 not in the evening
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"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," May 10, 1841 - May 16, 1841, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 14, 2025,