The above is to be paid to Willford Woodruff
when called for or the Books returned L R Foster
After labouring exceding hard throught the
day I took the parting hand with the Saints at
186 woster & other places, & started for the {steam}
Boat Sanduskey Ilus F Carter carried me to the
Boat with 533 lbs of baggage we got Blockaided
in the street on the way which made us trouble &
detained us, but after much perplexity we got
on board of the boat at 6 oclock & departed for Albany on our road for Nauvoo our little comp-
any of Saints consisted of 6 persons viz—
Willford & Phebe W. Woodruff, Henry H. & Mary
Moore, Mary M. Wheeler & Mary E Nelson
Sister Wheeler had 600 lbs baggage
I found on looking over my expenses including
all I had paid out while in New York was $88.36
After getting under way & aranging matters I
being vary weary I lay down & had a comfortable
nights rest
~ Friday
10th I arose some unwell in consequence of the labour yesterday, found myself at west pointin
its is a pleasent day we spent the day plesently the
land present quite an intesresting and romantic scenery
from N Y to Albany
~ Saturday
11th Arived in albany, this morning being one day
& two nights from New York about 36 hours when
NB Nota Bene Sept 9th Received of Willford Woodruff
15 Books of Mormon bound in calf $1.50 cts each $34.50
4 Ditto bound in sheep $1 = = 4.00
28 Millennial Stars bound $1 each 28.00
The above is to be paid to Willford Woodruff
when called for or the Books returned
L R Foster
After labouring exceding hard throught the
day I took the parting hand with the Saints at
186 woster & other places, & started for the {steam}
Boat Sanduskey Ilus F Carter carried me to the
Boat with 533 lbs of baggage we got Blockaided
in the street on the way which made us trouble &
detained us, but after much perplexity we got
on board of the boat at 6 oclock & departed for
Albany on our road for Nauvoo our little company of Saints consisted of 6 persons viz -
Willford & Phebe W. Woodruff,. Henry H. & Mary
Moore,. Mary M. Wheeler & Mary E. Nelson
Sister Wheeler had 600 lbs baggage
I found on looking over my expenses including
all I had paid out while in New York was $88.36
After getting under way & aranging matters I
being vary weary I lay down & had a comfortable
nights rest
~ Friday
10 I arose some unwell in consequence of the
labour yesterday, found myself at west point
it is a pleasent day we spent the day plesently the
land present quite an interesting and romantic scenery
from NY to Albany
~ Saturday
11th Arived in albany this morning being one day
& two nights from New York about 36 hours when
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," September 9, 1841 - September 11, 1841, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025,