A synopsis of the travels & labours of
W. Woodruff In AD 1841
Travelled in , , & AMERICA
And visited the following towns & cities
Townes & Cities | populations | Shires & States |
[FIGURE] the Metropolis | 1600000 |
| 200000 | |
| 2080,000 |
| 60,000 | [Lancashire] |
| 350,000 | [Lancashire] |
| 70,000 |
| 30,000 | [Staffordshire] |
| 300,000 |
| 45,000 |
| 50,000 |
| 8,000 | [Herefordshire] |
| 3,000 | [Herefordshire] |
| 40,000 |
| 40000 | [Gloucestershire] |
| 36,000 |
| 50,000 | |
| 8000 |
Wales |
| 350000 |
| 16,000 |
| 100,000 |
| 12000 |
| 50000 | N Y |
| 20,000 | [N Y] |
| 10,000 |
| 1,500 |
| 10,000 |
| 10,000 | Illinois |
Also A vast number of smaller towns lying
Between the above named places
A synopsis of the travels & labours of
W. Woodruff In AD 1841
Travelled in , , & AMERICA
And visited the following towns & cities
Townes & Cities populations Shires & States
[FIGURE] the Metropolis 1,600,000 Middlesex Co
280,000 Lancashire
60,000 Ditto
350,000 Ditto
70,000 Staffordshire
30,000 Ditto
300,000 Warwickshire
45,000 Worcestershire
50,000 Herefordshire
8,000 Ditto
3,000 Ditto
40,000 Gloucestershire
40,000 Ditto
36,000 Oxfordshire
8,000 Monmouthshire
350,000 N.Y.
16,000 Maine
100,000 M.S.
& 12,000 Ct
[FIGURE] 50,000 NY
20,000 DO
10,000 Mich
1,500 Wisconsin
10,000 Illinois
[FIGURE] 10,000 Illinois
Also s vast number of smaller towns lying
between the above named places