New Castle spent some little time at Father Rowleys who was vary feeble. There is many
silk manufacterers in New Castle [FIGURE] I Purchased
15 yards of Black silk for a dress for Phebe at
2/2 per yard ^£1 12 6 + £0 2 7 1/2 = £1 15 1 1/2^ & 7 yards of lineing at /4 1/2
per yard this was considerd as
cheap as any could be bought
in England according to the quality I
walked with several Brethren to Hanley
& sat in council with many of the officers
among other business that was brought up
was the case of a Brother Mumford
who was ingaged in the Magic or Black art
fortune telling &c which prevails to a great
extent in this country but as he persisted in
his course after being laboured with the
council withdrew fellowship forom him, others
He was holding the office of a Priest
& one thing is worthy of notice that while the
Priesthood was upon him, he could not set
his maicjic glasses as before untill after he
ceased to fill the Priest office & rejected
our council I spent the night at Brother Box who had been sorely tempted of the
Devil for many Days we lade hands upon
him & cast the Devil out, & he had peace. 10 [miles]
~ Sunday
Staffordshire Conference
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints met according to adjournment &
by appointment in the Majestrates assembly
Room in Hanley on Sunday the 28th Day of
March, there being Present W. Woodruff & G. A. Smith of the Travleling High Council
& one High Priest 13 Elders 28 Priest 10 Teachers
& 8 Deacons the meeting was called to
order by Elder Woodruff at half past ten oclock
when it was moved by Elder Woodruff second
ed by Elder Simpson that Elder G A Smith
be appointed President of the Conference
carried unanimously
New Castle spent some little time at Father
Rowleys who was vary feeble. There is many
silk manufacterers in New Castle [FIGURE] I Purchased
15 yards of Black silk for a dress for Phebe at
2/2 per yard [FIGURE] £1 12 6 & 7 yards of lineing at /4 1/2
per yard £0 2 7 1/2 this was considerd as
cheap £1 15 1 1/2 as any could be bought
in England according to the quality I
walked with several Brethren to Hanley
& sat in Council with many of the Officers
among other business that was brought up
was the case of a Brother Mumford
who was ingaged in the Magic or Black artfortune telling &c which prevails to a great
extent in this Country but as he persisted in
his course after being laboured with the
Council withdrew fellowship from him,
He was holding the office of a Priest
& one thing is worthy of notice that while the
Priesthood was upon him, he could not set
his majic glasses as before untill after he
ceased to fill the Priest office & rejected
our Council I spent the night at Brother
Box who had been sorely tempted of the
Devil for many Days we lade hands upon
him & cast the Devil out, & he had peace. 10
~ Sunday
28 Staffordshire Conference
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints met according to adjournment &
by appointment in the Majestrates assembly
Room in Hanley on Sunday the 28th Day of
March. there being Present W. Woodruff &
G. A. Smith of the Traveling High Council
& one High Priest 13 Elders 28 Priest 10 Teachers
& 8 Deacons the meeting was called to
order by Elder Woodruff at half past ten oclock
when it was moved by Elder Woodruff second
ed by Elder Simpson that Elder G A Smith
be appointed President of the Conference
carried Unanimously
"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," March 27, 1841 - March 28, 1841, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025,