And it was inconvenient for me to
stay to take care of him in consequ
ence of having a teem [of animals] to see to And
by request of Brother
Brother remained to
take care of him. I left the camp grou
nd and traveled about 7 miles to Brother
^in company with Elder who
spent the summer with me at Elder ^
and remained with him
for several days I soon began to
hear of the deaths of my Brethren which
I left sick they all died which were
first taken and numbers which were
afterwards attacked there were about 20
in the whole which died at or about that
time. Brother ^Seth^ Hitchcock and Seth
were among the number. Brother Ingols
had been in company with me from
the time I left my brothers
at N. Y. After remaini
ng several days at brother Lawrey's
Brother Lyman Wight gave me an
invitation to spend the season with him
accordingly I made it my home at
his house and ingaged to with
And it was inconvenient for me to
stay to take care of him in consequ
ence of having a teem of animals to see to. And
by request of Brother
Brother remained to
take care of him. I left the camp grou
nd and traveled about 7 miles to Brother
Printed between lines of cursive text in Company with Elder who
spent the summer with me at Elder
house and remained with him
for several days. I soon began to
hear of the deaths of my Brethren which
I left sick they all died which were
first taken and numbers which were
afterwards attacked there were about 20
in the whole which died at or about that
time. Brother Seth Hitchcock and
were among the number. Brother Ingols
had been in company with me from
the time I left my brothers
at After remaini
ng several days at brother Lawrey's
Brother Lyman Wight gave me an
invitation to spend the season with him
accordingly I made it my home at
his house and ingaged to with