the full use of your limbs, faculties and
mental powers may be retained unto you,
and the visions of eternity ever before you for
the good of the work, and with kind regards
to your fellow laborers. I remain
Your brother in the Gospel
P.S. Some years back, on this mission, it
was customary to place converts under covenant
on the water's edge, previous to baptism, but the
practice is now discontinued throughout the
mission. I would be pleased to have an ex-
pression from you as to what would be proper
in the matter, or in other words, what order
you would like to have carried out
E. F. R.
the full use of your limbs, faculties and
mental power may be retained unto you,
and the visions of eternity ever before you for
the good of the work, and with kind regards
to our fellow laborers. I remain
Your brother in the Gospel
E. F. Richards.
P.S. Some years back, on their mission, it
was customary to place converts under covenant
on the water's edge, previous to baptism, but the
practice is now discontinued throughout the
mission. I would be pleased to have an expression from you as to what would be proper
in the matter, or in other words what order
you would like to have carried out
E. F. R.