a great blow, as was a great support
in those parts and much respected by many
without, as well as the saints. Another
great chief of the district, has also
died recently. He had formerly belonged to the
Church but been excommunicated.
A number of the Elders and many Maoris,
have a burning itch. When nothing else presents
itself they fill in the time scratching. 'Tis very
annoying indeed while it lasts, but wears off
in time. Aside from this the Elders are, beleive,
in fairly good health. Elder 's removal
to seems to have improved his health
Since my last writing, a terrible storm
and flood has taken place on parts of the
, notably District, where
some few people lost their lives. And thousands
of cattle and sheep, as also other property
damaged and destroyed. Very many are left
in a state of destitution. Pleased, however, to
note that none of the saints lost their lives
and but few were damaged seriously, as far
as learned.
With earnest prayers for your good, and
well being in your advanced years, even that
a great blow, as he was a great support
in those parts and much respected by many
without, as well as the saints. Another
great chief of the Manauatu district, has also
died recently. He had formerly belonged to the
church but been excommunicated.
A number of the Elders and many Maoris,
have a burning itch. When nothing else presents
itself they fill in the time scratching. 'Tis very
annoying indeed while it lasts, but wears off
in time. Aside from this the Elders are, I beleive,
in fairly good health. Elder Petersen's removal
to Mahia seems to have improved his health
Since my last writing, a terrible storm
and flood has taken place on parts of the
island, notably Hawkes Bay District, where
some few people lost their lives. And thousands
of cattle and sheep, as also other property
damaged and destroyed. Very many are left
in a state of destitution. Pleased, however, to
note that none of the saints lost their lives
and but few were damaged seriously, as far
as learned.
With earnest prayers for your good, and
well being in your advanced years, even that