view of economizing our time, and introdu-
cing a more systematic and progressive
course, and thereby perchance make better
progress. Since its issuance have heard
from a number of the Elders, who have fully
endorsed the move, and expressed themselves
as having felt, for some time, the need of
a more thorough and systematic plan being
Elder , whom I men-
tioned in my letter dated April 10th, is 33
years of age, and has labored in the miss-
ion since Sept. 1895 energetically and satis-
factorily. Should you fully decide to divide
the mission, you may be led to either appo-
int him to the presidency of the new one, or
send an Elder from Zion whom Elder Smith
could labor with and assist in getting thoro-
ughly initiated into the work, while he
would yet remain in the field. Elder Smith
seems to be endeavoring to preach the Gospel
without "purse or scrip," and do his duty as a
servant of God.
Bro. , Prest. of
branch, District, and an influential
chief, died fore part of this month. It was
view of economizing our time, and introducing a more systematic and progressive
course, and thereby perchance make better
progress. Since its issuance I have heard
from a number of the Elders, who have fully
endorsed the move, and expressed themselves
as having felt, for some time, the need of
a more thorough and systematic plan being
Elder Andrew Smith Jr., whom I mentioned in my letter dated April 10th, is 33
years of age and has labored in the mission since Sept. 1895 energetically and satisfactorily. Should you fully decide to divide
the mission, you may be led to either appoint him to the presidency of the new one, or
send an Elder from Zion whom Elder Smith
could labor with and assist in getting thoroughly initiated into the work, while he
would yet remain in the field. Elder Smith
seems to be endeavoring to preach the Gospel
without "purse or scrip," and do his duty as a
servant of God.
Bro. Reha Aperahama, Prest. of Te Aroha
branch, Hauraki District, and an influencial
chief, died fore part of this month. It was