Prayer By W. Woodruff who also addressed the congregation
the following are some of the remarks He made. I am always
interested in meeting with the saints esspecialy with so many
of the Seventies & Elders as are here to day. There never was a
school in any age of the world that presents as much of interest
to the reflecting mind as the one presenting itself to us in this age not
ownly the affairs of the church but the History of the changes & revelu
tion of all Nations on Earth. the Time has come when the Earth
Prayer By W. Woodruff who also addressed the congregation
the following are some of the remarks He made. I am always
interested in meeting with the saints esspecialy with so many
of the Seventies & Elders as are here to day. There never was a
school in any age of the world that presents as much of interest
to the reflecting mind as the one presenting itself to us in this age not
ownly the affairs of the church but the History of the changes & Revelo
tion of all Nations on Earth. the Time has come when the Earth
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