cost $1000.00. There was much more wealth than I would have looked
for in as obscure a place as . We spent the day in the
place and left in the evening and camped five miles below on the
banks of the . On the 27th of August, we entered the village
of (Ysleta), being the day before the great annual feast of
this people. Brother had visited this people three
years ago and had madde friends in the place. We called upon an iold
patriarch that had received him before. His name was
(John King). He was golad to receive us. He furnished us with
mutton, fruit and anything we needed. He was one of the leading
spirits and most influential men ofin the village over 80 years of age,
but his labor and activity did not show 70. It should be understood
that the Catholic power has had dominion for centuries over most of
the American tribes. This is the case with all these tribes, as well
as others, and the priests who now occupy their villages are mostly
French or Italian. The priests who dwell in Islatus has had a hard
contest with the old patriarch, because he had received the Mormons
and their religion. He told the priest that he had his own rights
and agency and no men should take his rights or religion from him,
and they had not spoken to each other for two years, and this spirit
is manifest through all the tribes when the Gospel is preached and
the Lamanites and Nephites throughout all the land are beginning to
be weary of the Catholic priests and their religion. The inhabit-
ants of Islatus stand at the head of these 32,000 Nephites; all the
other 40 villages come to them for counsel. They have their own
laws, police courts and judgment seat. They are very rich. The
man we stopped with possessed 9000 sheep, 100 brood mares and horses,
100 mules and asses, 500 cows and oxen, a ranch worth $8000.00, and
cost $1000.00. There was much more wealth than I would have looked
for in as obscure a place as . We spent the day in the
place and left in the evening and camped five miles below on the
bank of the . On the 27th of August, we entered the village
of (Ysleta), being the day before the great annual feast of
this people. Brother had visited this people three
years ago and had made friends in the place. We called upon anold
patriarch that had received him before. His name was
(John King). He was glad to receive us. He furnished us with
mutton, fruit and anything we needed. He was one of the leading
spirits and most influential menin the village over 80 years of age,
but his labor and activity did not show 70. It should be understood
that the Catholic power has had dominion for centuries over most of
the American tribes. This is the case with all these tribes, as well
as others, and the priests who now occupy their villages are mostly
French or Italian. The priests who dwell in Islatus has had a hard
contest with the old patriarch, because he had received the Mormons
and their religion. He told the priest that he had his own rights
and agency and no men should take his rights or religion from him,
and they had not spoken to each other for two years, and this spirit
is manifest through all the tribes when the Gospel is preached and
the Lamanites and Nephites throughout all the land are beginning to
be weary of the Catholic priests and their religion. The inhabitants of Islatus stand at the head of these 32,000 Nephites; all the
other 40 villages come to them for counsel. They have their own
laws, police courts and judgment seat. They are very rich. The
man we stopped with possessed 9000 sheep, 100 brood mares and horses,
100 mules and asses, 500 cows and oxen, a ranch worth $8000.00, and