^I^ old Lyman, I dont know as it should do you any ^good^
to send you ^the^ claims, of & the words of God.
But I told you I would & I generaly do as I agree. And
you promised to read, & as one whom God has ^called^
(not by man.) But by the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Have as such to do to my fellow men, Or wo is
me. Therefore I will do my part & I men but ^heed^
my testimony. I shall be dear, of their blood.
And God will be just in sending the^m^ down. With
the wicked. Dear Brother, Again, I say to you &
through you to your associates, you are mistaken
& when your fathers rejected the Letter Joseph sent to
James J. Strang. They were cast out of the church. ^See 4th page^
I old Lyman, I dont know as it should do you any good
to send you the claims, of & the words of God.
But I told you I would & I generaly do as I agree. And
you promised to read, & as one whom God has called
(not by man.) But by the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Have as such to do to my fellow men, Or wo is
me. Therefore I will do my part & I men but heed
my testimony. I shall be dear, of their blood.
And God will be just in sending them down. With
the wicked. Dear Brother, Again, I say to you &
through you to your associates, you are mistaken
& when your fathers rejected the Letter Joseph sent to
James J. Strang. They were cast out of the church. See 4th page