—I was with President Joseph Smith and his Council and the
Twelve; it was a day of God's power
with the Prophet. He healed many
who were sick nigh unto death, among
whom were Elijah Fordham and Joseph B. Nobles; even the wicked
rabble followed to see the sick healed.
As Joseph was about to cross the river, a man came to him and asked
him if he would go about three miles
and heal two of his small children,
who were twins, about three months
old, and were sick nigh unto death.
He was a man of the world, he had
never heard a sermon preached by a
Latter-day Saint. Joseph said he
could not go, but he would send a
man. After hesitating a moment, he
turned to me and said, "You go with
this man and heal his children," at
the same time giving me a red silk
handkerchief, and said, "After you
lay hands upon them, wipe their faces
with it, and they shall be healed; and
as long as you will keep that handker-
chief, it shall ever remain as a league
between you and me." I went and
did as I was commanded, and the
children were healed.
On the , I was attacked with
chills and fever. I had a chill every
other day, and was very sick.
—I laid my hands upon
my wife and children, blessed them,
committed them into the hands of
God, and started upon my English
mission, leaving my family sick, and
with not more than four days' pro-
visions. Brother Brigham Young
rowed me across the Mississippi in a
boat; I was sick and feeble. When
(Continued from page 312.)
—I was with President
Joseph Smith and his Council and the
Twelve; it was a day of God's power
with the Prophet. He healed many
who were sick nigh unto death, among
whom were Elijah Fordham and
Joseph B. Nobles; even the wicked
rabble followed to see the sick healed.
As Joseph was about to cross the
river, a man came to him and asked
him if he would go about three miles
and heal two of his small children,
who were twins, about three months
old, and were sick nigh unto death.
He was a man of the world, he had
never heard a sermon preached by a
Latter-day Saint. Joseph said he
could not go, but he would send a
man. After hesitating a moment, he
turned to me and said, "You go with
this man and heal his children," at
the same time giving me a red silk
handkerchief, and said, "After you
lay hands upon them, wipe their faces
with it, and they shall be healed; and
as long as you will keep that handkerchief, it shall ever remain as a league
between you and me." I went and
did as I was commanded, and the
children were healed.
On the , I was attacked with
chills and fever. I had a chill every
other day, and was very sick.
—I laid my hands upon
my wife and children, blessed them,
committed them into the hands of
God, and started upon my English
mission, leaving my family sick, and
with not more than four days' provisions. Brother Brigham Young
rowed me across the Mississippi in a
boat; I was sick and feeble. When
Select a date to see more documents from that day.