seven days, preaching, baptizing, con-
firming and counselling. Numbers
were added daily to the Church. He
then returned to Manchester.
I spent about seven months in Herefordshire, Gloucestershire and Worcestershire. We baptized over
eighteen hundred, including all of the
"United Brethren" save one. We
baptized over two hundred preachers
of various denominations in that part
of the vineyard. A synod of church
ministers became so alarmed for their
flocks in that part of the vineyard,
they petitioned Parliament to adopt
measures to stop our preaching. They
received for an answer, that if they
were as well acquainted with the
Bible as their hunting grounds, and
were as much interested in the welfare
of the souls of men, as the chasing of
the stags and foxes, they would not
lose so many of their congregations.
—I visited London in com-
pany with Elders H. C. Kimball and G. A. Smith. I labored with them
in establishing a church, spending
over five months in that populous city.
We visited nearly every part of the
city, and all the notable places that
we could have access to.
seven days, preaching, baptizing, confirming and counselling. Numbers
were added daily to the Church. He
then returned to Manchester.
I spent about seven months in
Herefordshire, Gloucestershire and
Worcestershire. We baptized over
eighteen hundred, including all of the
"United Brethren" save one. We
baptized over two hundred preachers
of various denominations in that part
of the vineyard. A synod of church
ministers became so alarmed for their
flocks in that part of the vineyard,
they petitioned Parliament to adopt
measures to stop our preaching. They
received for an answer, that if they
were as well acquainted with the
Bible as their hunting grounds, and
were as much interested in the welfare
of the souls of men, as the chasing of
the stags and foxes, they would not
lose so many of their congregations.
—I visited London in company with Elders H. C. Kimball and
G. A. Smith. I labored with them
in establishing a church, spending
over five months in that populous city.
We visited nearly every part of the
city, and all the notable places that
we could have access to.
I attended all the General Conferences in England, and set sail with
my brethren of the Twelve on the ship
Rochester, . Arrived in
New York
(To be continued.)
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