were having a pow-wow. As we ap-
proached, we were met by a dozen
large savage looking dogs; they smelt
us in a friendly manner, but did not
attempt to bite nor bark. We ar-
rived about midnight, covered with
mud, hungry and weary, and were
kindly received and entertained for
the remainder of the night by Mr.
, who had an squaw for
a wife; she prepared us a good supper,
but marvelled that we did not drink
coffee. She proffered us their best
bed, which was highly ornamented,
but we declined her kind offer, as we
were wet and muddy. She made us a
good bed of mackinaw blankets, before
a large fire, and we slept comfortably.
May the Lord reward both Mr. Jerrew
and wife, and the Presbyterian mini-
ster, according their deserts.
To be continued.)
were having a pow-wow. As we approached, we were met by a dozen
large savage looking dogs; they smelt
us in a friendly manner, but did not
attempt to bite nor bark. We arrived about midnight, covered with
mud, hungry and weary, and were
kindly received and entertained for
the remainder of the night by Mr.
, who had an squaw for
a wife; she prepared us a good supper,
but marvelled that we did not drink
coffee. She proffered us their best
bed, which was highly ornamented,
but we declined her kind offer, as we
were wet and muddy. She made us a
good bed of mackinaw blankets, before
a large fire, and we slept comfortably.
May the Lord reward both Mr. Jerrew
and wife, and the minister, according their deserts.
To be continued.)