Nov 9th
I spent the day in the office compiling History I spent
the evening with President Young the time was spent
mostly in conversation upon taning leather & making
fish oil J Cummings had bought of Homer Dunkan
some 20 gallons of fish oil but it was like soap & good
for nothing he had kept it stiring all summer and
spoiled it. President Young had told them if they
wanted to make good fish oil make a vat or big tub
set it in the sun & throw in all the heads & guts & let
them lie & rot and stink & they will all turn to oil
you can put a little water in the Bottom to keep the
oil from drying
~ Wednesday
10th I spent the day in the office on history I called upon Wm Kimball in the evening about Lumber I found him in
Bed. I then called upon President Young I found D. H Wells O. HydeG A SmithC C. RichA. LymanE Snow & W. Woodruff
was with him. I. C. Haight ^&^ Elias Morris arived from Iron County, & was present He reports that they had
made good Iron in the last blast but it had not run
long before their blast blew out the lining having melted
He reported that they hag a good crop of cotton, one
half of which was destroyed by an Early frost they had
a cotton Gin in operation & doing well. They had a good
crop of sugar cane a part of which was destroyed by the
frost. they report the road lined with with Deserters, Teamsters
& soldiers on the way to Calafornia.
~ Thursday
11th I spent the day in the office on History I spent the
evening at home
~ Friday
12thWilford commenced drawing rock for the Dam on Jordon
I called at President Youngsoffice & was introduced
to the Attorney General Mr Wilson. Gov Cummings was
also Present. it was merely an introductory meeting &
but little said A report reached us that Maj Beal & his
party was cut off & his camels runing around loose Gov
Cummings thought the contractors for the Mail would
use camels on this Northern route for the transporting
of the Mail President Young thought they would not
answer in a cold or wet climate. Bishop Tarlton
Lewis arived from Parewan had an interview with
President Young & presented him with some specimens
of led & copper oar from the surface. I spent the remainder
of the day in the office on History
~ Saturday
13th A conference of the Authorities of the Church met
thi morning according to adjournmet all the Presidency of
the Church & Twelve Apostles were present except Amasa
Lyman who hagd gone south by appointment Also a larg assembly
of Seventies, High Priest, Bishops Presidents of Branches
Elder Teachers Priest & Deacons. President Kimble spoke in the
morning followed by O. Hyde W. Woodruff President Brigham
~ Tuesday
Nov 9th
I spent the day in the office compiling History I spent
the evening with President Young the time was spent
mostly in conversation upon taning leather & making
fish oil J Cummings had bought of Homer Dunkan
some 20 gallons of fish oil but it was like soap & good
for nothing he had kept it stiring all summer and
spoiled it. President Young had told them if they
wanted to make good fish oil make a vat or big tub
set it in the sun & throw in all the heads & guts & let
them lie & rot and stink & they will all turn to oil
you can put a little water in the Bottom to keep the
oil from drying
~ Wednesday
10th I spent the day in the office on history I called upon
Wm Kimball in the evening about Lumber I found him in
Bed. I then called upon President Young I found D. H WellsO. HydeG A SmithC C. RichA. LymanE Snow & W. Woodruff
was with him. I. C. Haight & Elias Morris arived from
Iron County, & was present He reports that they had
made good Iron in the last blast but it had not run
long before their blast blew out the lining having melted
He reported that they hag a good crop of cotton, one
half of which was destroyed by an Early frost they had
a cotton gin in operation & doing well. They had a good
crop of sugar cane a part of which was destroyed by the
frost. they report the road lined with Deserters, Teamsters
& soldiers on the way to Calafornia.
~ Thursday
11th I spent the day in the office on History I spent the
evening at home
~ Friday
12th Wilford commenced drawing rock for the Dam on Jordon
I called at President Youngs office & was introduced
to the Attorney General Mr Wilson. Gov Cummings was
also Present, it was merely an introductory meeting &
but little said A report reached us that Maj Beal & his
party was cut off & his camels runing around loose Gov
Cummings thought the contractors for the Mail would
use camels on this Northern route for the transporting
of the Mail President Young thought they would not
answer in a cold or wet climate. Bishop Tarlton
Lewis arived from Parowan had an interview with
President Young & presented him with some specimens
of led & copper oar from the surface. I spent the remainder
of the day in the office on History
~ Saturday
13th A conference of the Authorities of the Church met
thi morning according to adjournmet all the Presidency of
the Church & Twelve Apostles were present except Amasa
Lyman who had gone south by appointment Also a large assembly
of seventies, High Priest, Bishops Presidents of Branches
Elder Teachers Priest & Deacons. President Kimble spoke in the
morning followed by O. Hyde W. Woodruff President Brigham
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," November 9, 1858 - November 13, 1858, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025,