has lost his , and about 3 months old, O The church have
bought a steamboat and have got it running on the river— they gave 4000
dolls. for it. Brother has been appointed chief magistrate this season
Brother health is verry poor. I am weighting for you to come home before
funeral sermon is preached or is blest. Please Tell Brother that his and have been sick but are now quite smart like
wise his and . Brother sends his respects to you likewise
Brother . has received a letter from you and brother
G. A. Smith. May the Lord Bless preserve and keep you from all harm is
the desire and prayr of your companion
Willford Woodruff
If you could get me a good brass kettle when you come trough I should
like it if is not convenient let it go I suppose they are much cheaper there than
here— I should like to have it hold 8 or ten gall. I can get it bailed and hooped
bu Dont deprive yourself of the comforts of life for any of these things for I had rather
do without them— I have not got the paper you spoke of now any one
here has received any one of them. The is sent to you
Nov 22
I. T.)
Oct 25th)
Paid 25
To N.Y.
[stamp in red ink]
3 DE 3
[stamp in red ink]
DE 2
Mr. Willford Woodruff
No 40 Ironmonger Row
St Lukes
149 Oldham Road
[stamp in red ink]
[stamp in red ink] 9
Phebe W. Woodruff
Oct 6th to 19th 1840
& W.O. Woodruff
Answered London Jan 13th 1841
has lost his , and about 3 months old, The church have
bought a steamboat and have got it running on the river— they gave 4000
dolls. for it. Brother has been appointed chief magistrate this season
Brother health is verry poor. I am weighting for you to come home before
funeral sermon is preached or is blest. Please Tell Brother that his and have been sick but are now quite smart like
wise his and . Brother sends his respects to you likewise
Brother . has received a letter from you and brother
G. A. Smith. May the Lord Bless preserve and keep you from all harm is
the desire and prayr of your companion
Willford Woodruff
If you could get me a good brass kettle when you come trough I should
like it if is not convenient let it go I suppose they are much cheaper there than
here— I should like to have it hold 8 or ten gall. I can get it bailed and hooped
Dont deprive yourself of the comforts of life for any of these things for I had rather
do without them— I have not got the paper you spoke of now any one
here has received any one of them. The elders journal is sent to you
Nov 22
I. T.)
Oct 25th)
Paid 25
To N.Y.
stamp in red ink
3 DE 3
stamp in red ink
DE 2
Mr. Willford Woodruff
No 40 Ironmonger Row
St Lukes
149 Oldham Road
stamp in red ink
stamp in red ink 9
Phebe W. Woodruff
Oct 6th to 19th 1840
& W.O. Woodruff
Answered London Jan 13th 1841