joy and gave thanks and praise unto God; for according to her
faith she was made whole from that hour. A child also that was sick
was made whole by the laying on of hands in the name of Jesus
according to the words of the Lord. See Mark 16 ch, 17th verse.
On the I parted from Elders Page and Blakesley and
many other Saints and traveled in company of six other brethen to
the Branch of the Church in Leeds.
We met together in the evening at brother Carnes' to
present ourselves before the Lord and b^e^are testimony of his work. Elders John Go^o^dsonH HaleM. Holmes and John Snider followed each
other in testimony and I testified next. The Spirit of God rested
upon us all.
I called upon sister Carnes to present before the Lord two
of her children who were sick, that we might administer unto them One was a sucking child and lay at the point of death. I took it in
my arms and presented it before the Elders who laid their hands upon
it while in my arms and we healed it in the name of Jesus Christ
I then returned it whole to its mother. The other child was
also healed; and the parents praised God for his goodness. I
spent the night at brother Eetons.
On the following I jorneourneyed to Kingston
Upper Canada with several of the Elders and on the went on
board the Great Britian. We reached Oswego at 7 pm. The
Great Britian was at this time the largest steam ship in the
world and the boast of the English people. We continued our
journey in the line boat Maumee. At Syracuse we went
on board the Saint Joseph and on the we reached Utica
and thence started in a rail car to Schenectady. Here we
parted from Elder John Go^o^dson and Priests Isaac Russel and
John Snider. These brethren who had journeyed with us from Canada were bound for the city of New York to join two of the
Twelve who were to start for England on the
to carry glad tidings of salvation to the inhabitants of Europe. The
two of the Twelve refered to is Heber C. Kimble and Orson Hyde
They were first chosen to open the kingdom of God in England
and five others of the brethren were to accompany them
We continued our journey five miles after parting
from the brethren; and the next travelled 33 miles more;
and on the following reached Canaan Litchfield Co. Connecticut
I was delighted once more to set foot upon the soil of my native
joy and gave thanks and praise unto God; for according to her
faith she was made whole from that hour. A child also that was sick
was made whole by the laying on of hands in the name of Jesus
according to the words of the Lord. See Mark 16 ch, 17th verse.
On the I parted from Elders Page and Blakesley and
many other Saints and traveled in company of six other brethen to
the Branch of the Church in Leeds.
We met together in the evening at brother Carnes' to
present ourselves before the Lord and beare testimony of his work. Elders
John GoodsonH HaleM. Holmes and John Snider followed each
other in testimony and I testified next. The Spirit of God rested
upon us all.
I called upon sister Carnes to present before the Lord two
of her children who were sick, that we might administer unto them
One was a sucking child and lay at the point of death. I took it in
my arms and presented it before the Elders who laid their hands upon
it while in my arms and we healed it in the name of Jesus Christ
I then returned it whole to its mother. The other child was
also healed; and the parents praised God for his goodness. I
spent the night at brother Eetons.
On the following I journeyed to Kingston
Upper Canada with several of the Elders and on the went on
board the Great Britian. We reached Oswego at 7 pm. The
Great Britian was at this time the largest steam ship in the
world and the boast of the English people. We continued our
journey in the line boat Maumee. At Syracuse we went
on board the Saint Joseph and on the we reached Utica
and thence started in a rail car to Schenectady. Here we
parted from Elder John Goodson and Priests Isaac Russel and
John Snider. These brethren who had journeyed with us from
Canada were bound for the city of New York to join two of the
Twelve who were to start for England on the 20th of June 1837
to carry glad tidings of salvation to the inhabitants of Europe. The
two of the Twelve refered to is Heber C. Kimble and Orson Hyde
They were first chosen to open the kingdom of God in England
and five others of the brethren were to accompany them
We continued our journey five miles after parting
from the brethren; and the next travelled 33 miles more;
and on the following reached Canaan Litchfield Co. Connecticut
I was delighted once more to set foot upon the soil of my native