gratitude to Almighty God and presume you all feel the
I hardly know how to express my feelings.
I feel as strong as a giant. I pulled sticks with the
men coming along and with one hand I pulled up
the strongest man there was on the road with one
hand and two could not pull me up; and I continued
to pull until I pulled them to . But I will
pass from that subject.
There has been great excitement in
the country but since those men took me I have
been cool and dispassionate through the whole.
Thank God I am now in the hands
of the Municipal Court of Nauvoo and not in the hands
of Missourians.
It has been discussed by the great
and wise men—lawyers and thereir like: Oh your
powers and legal tribunals are not to be sanctioned
and so we will make it lawful to drag away inocent
men from their families and friends and have them
unlawfully put to death by ungodly men for their
Relative to our , courts, right
of Habeaus Corpus &c we have all power; and if
any man from this time fourth says anything
contrary cast it into his teeth
There is a secret in this. If there
is not power in our charter and courts then there
is not power in the State of nor in the
Congress nor Constitution of the United States; for
the United States gave unto Illinois her constitution
and charter; and Illionois gave unto Nauvoo her
charter which have ceded unto us our vested
rights and she has no right nor power to take
them from us. All the power there was in
Illinois she gave to Nauvoo and any man who
says to the contrary is a fool
I want you to teach ^learn^, O! Israel, what
gratitude to Almighty God and presume you all feel the
I hardly know how to express my feelings.
I feel as strong as a giant. I pulled sticks with the
men coming along and with one hand I pulled up
the strongest man there was on the road
and two could not pull me up; and I continued
to pull until I pulled them to . but I will
pass from that subject.
There has been great excitement in
the country but since those men took me I have
been cool and dispassionate through the whole.
Thank God I am now in the hands
of the Municipal Court of Nauvoo and not in the hands
of Missourians.
It has been discussed by the great
and wise men—lawyers and there like: Oh your
powers and legal tribunals are not to be sanctioned
and so we will make it lawful to drag away inorent
men from their families and friends and have them
unlawfully put to death by ungodly men for their
Relative to our charter, courts, right
of Habeaus Corpus &c we have all power; and if
any man from this time fourth says anything
contrary cast it into his teeth.
There is a secret in this. If there
is not power in our Charter and Courts then there
is not power in the State of nor in the
Congress nor Constitution of the United States; for
the United States gave unto Illinois her constitution
and charter; and Illionois gave unto Nauvoo her
charter which have ceded unto us our vested
rights and she has no right nor power to take
them from us. All the power there was in
Illinois she gave to Nauvoo and any man who
says to the contrary is a fool.
I want you to learn, O! Israel, what