Quincy and prepared myself to accompany the Twelve to fulfill the
revelation and commandment of the Lord which required us to
take our leave of the Saints at Far West on the 26 day of April
1839 for the nations of the earth.
Previous to the narative of our journey to Far
West to fulfil the revelation and receive our ordination
to the quorum of the Twelve I will relate
One of my Chapters of Accidents
which occured in the above interval on the
[18 lines blank]
In company of three of the Twelve Apostles
I left Quincy for the purpose of going to Far
West. Brother George A. Smith and Father Cutler was
also with us and George A. like myself was going up
to receive our ordination into the quorum of the Twelve Brigham, Orson Pratt and John Taylor were the three
whom we accompanied.
On the fourth day of our journey passing
through Huntsville we crossed a 9 miles Prairie and found
the roads crowded with the Saints who were fleeing from
Quincy and prepared myself to accompany the Twelve to fulfill the
revelation and commandment of the Lord which required us to
take our leave of the Saints at Far West on the 26 day of April
1839 for the nations of the earth.
Previous to the narative of our journey to Far
West to fulfil the revelation and receive our ordination
to the quorum of the Twelve I will relate
One of my Chapters of Accidents
which occured in the above interval on the
18 lines blank
In company of three of the Twelve Apostles
I left Quincy for the purpose of going to Far
West. Brother George A. Smith and Father Cutler was
also with us and George A. like myself was going up
to receive our ordination into the quorum of the Twelve
Brigham, Orson Pratt and John Taylor were the three
whom we accompanied.
On the fourth day of our journey passing
through Huntsville we crossed a 9 mile Prairie and found
the roads crowded with the Saints who were fleeing from
Select a date to see more documents from that day.