On at sunrise in company
with Mrs. Woodruff and brother Newbury and his
two sisters we started in a two horse sleigh and
crossed the Missisippi River on the ice and travelled
15 miles into Iowa Territory and joined Mr. Abraham
Newbury and Miss Eliza Duty in the bands of
matrimony. We then took dinner and returned
home making a distance for our ride of 30 miles
with the Thermometer 10 degrees below Zero.
We had just passed through a critical time in
the history of our people. Joseph had been presecuted
hunted and driven into the wilderness in consequence
of illegal proceedings false oaths edicts of governors and
pursuit from Sheriffs
But the^re^ being now a new Governor
Joseph had come forward and given himself up
to the authorities of the State and demanded trial
This was the very thing which he would have been
denied before had Governors Reynolds and Carlin
got possession of him and taken him to Missouri
Jan 1843
Chap XX
On New Year's day at sunrise in company
with Mrs. Woodruff and brother Newbury and his
two sisters we started in a two horse sleigh and
crossed the Missisippi River on the ice and travelled
15 miles into Iowa Territory and joined Mr. Abraham
Newbury and Miss Eliza Duty in the bands of
matrimony. We then took dinner and returned
home making a distance for our ride of 30 miles
with the Thermometer 10 degrees below Zero.
We had just passed through a critical time in
the history of our people. Joseph had been presecuted
hunted and driven into the wilderness in consequence
of illegal proceedings false oaths edicts of governors and
pursuit from Sheriffs.
But there being now a new Governor
Joseph had come forward and given himself up
to the authorities of the State and demanded trial.
This was the very thing which he would have been
denied before had Governors Reynolds and Carlin
got possession of him and taken him to Missouri