was to be paid in two annual payments; and a week or two
afterwards I purchased a house and ^an^ acre of land of brother Parsons to be paid for on the 20th of the following April
Several days later I rode to Brother Benbows on the Prar^i^rie six miles from Nauvoo and it being
Sunday I preached at his house
This was the first time that I had visited
him since my return to Nauvoo. I spent the time very
pleasantly while there. His farm looked almost like the
Garden of Eden. I never had seen more work done in one
year on a prar^i^rie farm than on his. He had surrounded
it and crossed it with heavy ditches and planted thorn hedges
His dwelling barns sheds garden yards orchards &c were all
beautifully arranged. Indeed Brother Benbow's farm much
resembled the farms of old England where as the reader has
learned he held the position of a respectable well-to-do-farmer,
who cultivated about 300 acres of land
This place was a pleasant retreat for a
Summers ride from Nauvoo. The little neighbourhood
consisted of five families from England and all well united
excepting one family who had denyed the faith.
Before my return to the city on the
following day I paid to brother John Benbow 200 dollars
for President Joseph Smith and endorsed it on his note
I assisted in drawing up from the river
two large stones to the Nauvoo house for the threshholds
of the doors
A few days previous a revelation
was given for the Twelve to obtain the printing establishment
of E. Robinson and govern the printing of the Times &
Seasons and all the publication of the Church as directed by
the Holy Ghost
After consulting upon the subject the
quorum of the Twelve appointed Elders John Taylor and
Willford Woodruff to take charge of the whole establishment
and edit the Times and Seasons under the direction
of Joseph the Seer
Accordingly on the 3rd I
was to be paid in two annual payments; and a week or two
afterwards I purchased a house and an acre of land of brother
Parsons to be paid for on the 20th of the following April
Several days later I rode to Brother
Benbows on the Prairie six miles from Nauvoo and it being
Sunday I preached at his house
This was the first time that I had visited
him since my return to Nauvoo. I spent the time very
pleasantly while there. His farm looked almost like the
Garden of Eden. I never had seen more work done in one
year on a prairie farm than on his. He had surrounded
it and crossed it with heavy ditches and planted thorn hedges
His dwelling barns sheds garden yards orchards &c were all
beautifully arranged. Brother Benbow's farm much
resembled the farms of old England where as the reader has
learned he held the position of a respectable well-to-do-farmer,
who cultivated about 300 acres of land
This place was a pleasant retreat for a
Summers ride from Nauvoo. The little neighbourhood
consisted of five families from England and all well united
excepting one family who had denyed the faith.
Before my return to the city on the
following day I paid to brother John Benbow 200 dollars
for President Joseph Smith and endorsed it on his note
I assisted in drawing up from the river
two large stones to the Nauvoo house for the threshholds
of the doors
A few days previous a revelation
was given for the Twelve to obtain the printing establishment
of E. Robinson and govern the printing of the Times &
Seasons and all the publication of the Church as directed by
the Holy Ghost
After consulting upon the subject the
quorum of the Twelve appointed Elders John Taylor and
Willford Woodruff to take charge of the whole establishment
and edit the Times and Seasons under the direction
of Joesph the Seer
Accordingly on the 3rd of February I
Select a date to see more documents from that day.