Territory is more micld towards us, as also to learn that
there is not that vindictiveness on the part of the officials
in our Territory, although I see that many of our bre-
-thern are being sent to prison.
Was sorry to hear of the unusual dry season coming,
so much severe sickness in the midst of the saints,
but I trust winter with her storms has before this
brought health to the homes of the saints.
We rejoiced to learn of the good health of the
Apostles, and do earnestly pray that it may contin-
ue, that they may be the power in the hands of the
Lord required at this important time in the history
of the Church.
Your kind mention of the translation of the Book
of Mormon was thankfully received and we greatly
desire to be able to fully put your kind suggestions
into practice. At our last writing we thought that
we had secured a good native assistant to help in the
revision of the work, but for some cause he failed to
come makeing a very slimsy excuse, we also obtained
a promise from the second one, with the same results,
this did not discourage us in the least for we knew
that this was the Lords work and that He would
raise up some suitable person for us, which we are
thankful to say he has done in the person of
, one that has a thorough knowledge
of the Maori language.
Territory is more mild towards us, as also to learn taht
there is not that vindictiveness on the part of the officials
in our Territory, although I see that many of our bre-thern are being sent to prison.
Was sorry to hear of the unusual dry season coming,
so much sever sickness in the midst of the saints,
but I trust winter with her storms has before this
brought health to the homes of the saints.
We rejoiced to learn of the good health of the
Apostles, and do earnestly pray that it may contin-ue, that they may be the power in the hands of the
Lord required at this important time in the history
of the Church
Your kind mention of the translation of the Book
of Mormon was thankfully received and we greatly
desire to be able to fully put your kind suggestions
into practice; At our last writing we thought that
we had secured a good native assistant to help in the
revision of the work, but for some cause be failed to
come making a very slimsy excuse, we also obtained
a promise from the second one, with the same results,
this did not encourage us in the least for we knew
that this was the Lords work and that He would
raise up some suitable person for us, which we are
thankful to say he has done in the person of
Henare Pōtae, one that has a thorough knowledge
of the Maori language.